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Fun little game! I really like the potential this sort of project has. As a proof of concept it is great! Currently I think one major QoL improvement would be a "cancel" after you've dragged a card out to the board or the trash, I accidentally did the wrong one a couple of times and couldn't go back.

Still. Fun little project!

(5 edits)

Yo the game idea is soo cool, but I found it frustrating!

Am i Dumb ? I'm stuck at the 3nd floor lol. I start the game with 2 hp, I can't even move now since it cost 2 hp. I think the game will be way better if :
- refill hp between level ?
- moving shouldnt be related to heal (maybe teleport cost life, but not the moving action). this mechanic is so weird, i just spamm "end turn" until enemies are in my range to kill them, because it's better that way than spending 2 heal on moving. Ok, I just understood that deleted card give one movement,
- having one or two slots to keep somes cards, some times the cards pool is so bad i just have to pass my turn to get a new hand
- since the game is all about having hp, if you draw the card 2 hp healing, you instant win the floor
- enemy are in range but i can't target them (look scren shot below)

hey! Thanks for playing! And yes !! There's some balance issue but I think I can clarify few things to make your play experience a little better haha.

When you "recycle," you get to move the amount of space equal to the card COST for free, so cards like "bleed" with 3 cost would allow you to move a lot.

I didn't have time to add logic for "stuck" level, so I put a "unstuck" button you can click to regenerate the map in the beginning of each level. It goes away as soon as you play a card.

Anyways thanks for playing and providing feedback! I'm excited toale improvements on this!

yes you should, i really enjoy your project ! And in 2 weeks it's alrdy pretty good, well done



If you click the deck menu icon in the top right it keeps adding cards to the deck display


Fixed! Thanks fornletting me know!